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Installation Manual

What is an installation manual?

An installation manual is a document that details the process of installing an artwork. This allows the work to be installed without the presence of the artist and also creates a set of instructions for its consistent installation across spaces.

Why is an installation manual necessary?

An installation manual allows for the artwork to be installed in a space as per the artist’s specifications without their presence. It also allows the gallery/institution to be better prepared for the actual process of installation and makes the whole process a lot smoother.

What should an installation manual include?

An installation manual should start by listing all artwork details so that it’s clear which artwork it is intended for. Consider adding the following points in as much detail as possible:

  1. A breakdown of the parts being sent which will constitute the work

  2. Any additional equipment that might be needed for the installation process (this could include screens, projectors, specifications on power sources, softwares and any specific power tools which would be necessary for installation)

  3. Handling instructions.

  4. Step by Step instructions on how the artwork has to be put together. If necessary use diagrams to explain how parts come together and how much space needs to be present between elements. The same should be provided for hanging instructions for frames if in case they have any specific mechanics.

  5. Any steps necessary to start the work and play in case of digital works.

  6. Any specifications regarding lighting.

  7. Any known steps to troubleshoot the work.

  8. Any precautions or hazardous elements that may require a distance from the viewer.

  9. De-installation and packing instructions.

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